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South Cadbury and Sutton Montis Parish Council

Welcome to the South Cadbury & Sutton Montis Parish Council website

Defibrillator Awareness Training

Unfortunately the Community First Responder was unable to attend to deliver the defibrillator refresher training on Friday 27th September. Before a further date is arranged, please email or ring 01963 440384 leaving your name and contact number by Friday 25th October if interested in attending a future training session

28th September 2024

Emergency and Contingency Planning Workshop

A date has now been arranged for the Emergency and Contingency Planning Workshop on Friday 4th October from 6.00 - 9.00 pm in South Cadbury Village Hall.

There will be an overview of the whole emergency response system and how it is linked to a community response followed by a detailed step by step run through of the Emergency Plan template using the worked example of flooding. There will then be a presentation by EVAG (Emergency Volunteers Action Group) and demonstration of the temporary flood resilience measures (things like gel(sand)bags, hydrosnakes etc) that they provide to householders and communities.

Everyone is welcome to attend so please pass on the details to anyone who may be interested.

22nd September 2024

Your Parish Council needs you!

Volunteers are needed to help maintain highways in the parish

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22nd September 2024

Next Parish Council Meeting

The next Parish Council meeting will be a Full Council meeting taking place at 7.30 pm on Thursday, 21st November 2024 at Sutton Montis Village Hall.

Everyone is very welcome to attend
The defibrillator in the centre of South Cadbury village


The defribillator in South Cadbury is sited in the centre of the village on the side of the green workshop at the top of Compton Road.

In Sutton Montis the defibrillator is sited within the red telephone box on the front of Sutton Montis Village Hall.

More info about using the defibrillators (pdf)

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